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Showing posts from May, 2019

Woodland Preparatory proposed builder American Charter Development #Cha...

Woodland Preparatory School Agreement with Unity School Services #SonerTarim from Gulen Cemaat

Unity School Services a fake business with no office, no staff, no business license and NO history of managing charter schools #SonerTarim #Pinocchio

Soner's fake office in Washington County, where he never seems to be around.   Unity School Services exist by name only .   Nancy Li-Tarim calls Soner Tarim "Big Nose" like Pinocchio his nose grows as he tells more lies 

Gulen’s Turkish Charter schools. The CIA sponsored imam and his troublin...

Soner Tarim's connections to Gulen's Imam School in Erzurum, Turkey and to Ill-fated Virginia International University #CharlotteMeadows #LEADacademy

Harmony Science Academy's original application is very revealing about Gulenists Educational lead Soner Tarim.   First glaring interesting point about the Harmony School Application is the poor English grammar that Soner used to fill out an application.   Its obvious Soner Tarim has no American teaching credentials or has spent any time in the trenches teaching American children. His experience is from Gulen's private Imam school in his hometown of Ezerum.   Which is NOW closed down by the Turkish government. Why was Soner Tarim allowed to open over 55 schools in 17 yrs. in Texas and grab billions of Texas taxpayers money via unsecured bonds, and build an empire for Gulen community via fake h1b Visas? He was removed from his post in October 2017 and has since ventured into Alabama and other areas to expand including trying to start a new bucket of charter schools called Royal Public Schools.  In the day they were having lavish trips to Turkey for t...

How the Gulen Movement prepares an area before they open charter schools and businesses #SonerTarim #Gulen #WoodlandPreparatoryAlabama

The Gulen Movement is brilliant at preparing a country, community or state for their scams.  It usually starts with one of their hundreds of Non - Profit dialogue groups.  Lets use Alabama as an exammple.  Back in 2007, they started a small local dialogue group called Peace Valley Foundation.  Robert Mueller who was then ahead of the FBI gave this Alabama Turkish Dialogue Group (Gulen is honorary President) an FBI community award.  As most insiders and researchers of the Gulen Movement know Robert Mueller has long been covering for the Gulen Movement operations going back to the Sibel Edmond's case - Ex FBI Turkish Translator/ Analyst turned whistle blower who was viciously fired from the FBI and a gag order placed on her.  For simply trying to protect America and doing her job.   Phase II starts with the Dialogue groups that rope in local leaders, Media,political, Academia and Religious they ripen the area with Turkish introductions vi...

Soner Tarim and the telling story about a charter school controversy in a rural Alabama county #Gulen #WoodlandPreparatory This is a story about a loud and rather unlikely controversy in a sleepy rural Alabama county over the establishment of a charter school. While the specifics are unique to Washington County, the narrative is being repeated in states throughout the country. And the episode helps explain why the nearly 30-year-old charter movement in this country is facing a backlash even as Education Secretary Betsy DeVos continues to promote it. In Alabama’s Washington County, a charter called Woodland Preparatory School has been approved by state officials to open even though: The mayor of the town where it will be located says he doesn’t want it and doesn’t know anybody who does. A national organization that evaluates charter school applications gave the thumbs-down on Woodla...